Reality check / De cara a la realidad

What follows, of course, isn’t a real conversation. It’s a combination of actual conversations but mostly what goes on inside my head at 3 AM. NHS doctors really aren’t this sweary, even in Glasgow.   Doctor:               You are completely fucked. Me:                      Could you be a bit more specific? Doctor:               Do you want the good news …

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New toys & eyebrows / Nuevos juguetes y cejas

New toys
I think I’ve already mentioned my new four-wheel-drive wheelchair. Over the last few weeks I’ve managed to take it outside and begin to figure out what it can and cannot do without actually testing it to destruction. A few minor adaptations have been required to keep my legs secure but otherwise it’s been a great success allowing me to climb Blackford Hill, follow friends and wife over the links at Gullane and visit the zoo and city farm with my nearly – two year old grandson.